
The LCBRN collects tissue and biofluids from consented patients undergoing surgical resection for known or suspected lung cancer. After a patient is consented for the LCBRN study, baseline fluids (saliva, serum, plasma, urine) are collected pre-operatively. The LCBRN also obtains baseline fluids from advanced stage lung cancer patients who are not candidates for resection but who require an operation for staging and/or diagnostic procedures.

Fluid Types Fluid Attributes



Buffy coat from plasma



Bronchial lavage

Bronchial lavage cell pellet


No known cancer

Pre-op, with cancer

Post-op, no known cancer

Post-op, with known cancer recurrence

Late stage cancer, pre-treatment

Late stage cancer, post-treatment



For subjects who are eligible for surgery, both bronchial washings and tissue are obtained intra-operatively. Tissue is procured following clinical assessment by a pathologist to determine if “left over” remnant tissue is available for research procurement.

Tissue Types Available TMAs Available

Malignant lung

Non-neoplastic lung

Non-neoplastic bronchus

Non-neoplastic lung from non-cancer patients

CHTN_Lung_AdenoCA1 - Lung Adenocarcinoma

CHTN_Lung_SCC_Misc1 - Lung Squamous Cell and Misc Carcinoma 


DNA, RNA and Protein Extracts* Available

Malignant lung

Non-neoplastic lung


*DNA and RNA are available as 10 uL aliquots of 100-150 ng/uL concentration. The RNA isolation procedures obtain low molecular weight (miRNA, etc. – see figure below) as well as high molecular weight species. Protein extracts are split TCA precipitates from approximately 100 mg tissue samples. See SOP #14 and SOP#15.


Example of microcapillary electrophoresis of 5 tumor RNA samples, isolated using the LCBRN protocol.

Example of microcapillary electrophoresis of 5 tumor RNA samples, isolated using the LCBRN protocol. An RQI index of 6 is the lower cutoff for acceptable samples, but samples with lower scores may be made available to investigators for whom RNA quality is not an issue.

After surgery, LCBRN subjects are followed up at sequential 6-month intervals during which biofluids are again obtained. Clinical data is still obtained from any subjects who are unable to return for follow-up specimen collection.



Summary of Procurement Events

Baseline collection (pre-op): serum, plasma, urine, saliva

Surgical procedure (intra-op): tissue, bronchial lavage fluid

1st follow-up visit (post-op): serum, plasma, urine, saliva

Subsequent follow-up visits (post-op): serum, plasma, urine